Joe Biden: misleading claim

  Article: Offering False Dichotomy Solutions
  Published: November 12, 2020

misleading claimsee definition - a statement with a few elements or kernel of truth, which can easily be proven deceptive or fundamentally untrue.
: McConnell said he would "be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route."

  Article: Stereotyping with Guilt by Association
  Published: March 12, 2020

misleading claimsee definition - a statement with a few elements or kernel of truth, which can easily be proven deceptive or fundamentally untrue.
: Obama's moderators came in a year and a half after Bloomberg had already taken action to reduce stop-and-frisk, and had already achieved a 71% decline.[5]

  Article: Making Lack of Experience a Virtue
  Published: December 19, 2019

misleading claimsee definition - a statement with a few elements or kernel of truth, which can easily be proven deceptive or fundamentally untrue.
: While 160 million Americans receive health benefits through work, that doesn't necessarily mean they like their private insurance.[8]